HERMAN TAYLOR performed just about every task that a non-combatant was needed to do in order to stage a prize fight. His first "position" in boxing was indeed at the bottom -- sweeping floors. It was as floor sweeper at a local Philadelphia arena, that he established a relationship with a famed promoter of the time, Jack McGuigan.
In his more than 79 years in the sport, Taylor, along with his partner Bobby Gunnis, was a promoter or matchmaker for the likes of Jack Dempsey, Ray Robinson, Billy Conn, Willie Pep, Ike Williams, Harry Greb, Johnny Dundee, Sam Langford, Jack Britton, Lew Tendler, Mickey Walker, Kid Chocolate, Harold Johnson, Joey Giardello and Joe Frazier.
Very few major promotions took place in Philadelphia or South Jersey boxing that Taylor did not have his hand in. He co-promoted Demspey vs. Tunney I in 1927. Although Tex Rickard is the promoter of record, Taylor and Gunnis did most of the work behind the scenes and split $100,000 for their effort. Other major Taylor promotions included, Ike Williams vs. Bob Montgomery, Benny Leonard vs. Johnny Kilbane, Marciano vs. Walcott I, Walcott vs. Charles II, Joe Louis vs. Gus Durazio.
This octogenarian’s enshrinement was long overdue. Why? Well, he must have had an impressive resume and reputation if Dempsey, Robinson, Conn, Pep, and about a dozen other world champions attend his 80th birthday party in 1968.